Author: admin
As Far As I Can See
Beforehand In 2024 I was gifted a sculpture by artist Christian Skagen for potential use in my performance. Every week at the Bbdb performances I observed, played with, balanced, tugged at and imitated the sculpture to understand it and know it better. In October I was invited to Yinchuan, China by Bbeyond as part of…
I’m not lying
Photography by Martha McCulloch This performance was part of Common Ground for Belfast Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival 2024. A bed was taken on a bus from Buncrana to Belfast by a young girl travelling alone. Some tried to help her, others just stared at he struggle. There are less an less safe spaces for her…
In 2024 I was commissioned by Bbeyond to make two new pieces of work. The first was to be performed as part of Belfast International Performance Art Festival in March. In January of that year I caught a strange virus where I had a high fever and an unexplained rash like burning all over my…
Confinement V
at Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin, Doire~Derry~Londonderry curated by Peter O’Doherty, Northern Lights Project photographed by Martha McCulloch in support of Lou Barnell I have carried this work with me for decades. It began as a sculpture using split-ply braiding, a technique from northwestern India. It was then coated in paper pulp and formed into a conical…
Barriers As Support for Collapsible Humans
At grüntaler9, Berlin, PODO Festival 2023, Live performance (60 minutes) with audio by Drew Cox, photography by Anja Ibsch
BBDB is a performance art collective established by James King. We meet every Friday in Derry for one hour to make improvised collective performances in public spaces. I see this as my studio work. Sometimes I am figuring out an idea, action, or phrase or developing on from previous work. Often it is a need…
Confinement III
Live Performance at Glassworks Derry as part of Equinox to Equinox 2018 curated by Bbeyond
Dexiosis II
live performance at Fort Dunree as part of Artlink Members Show
Tabula Rasa
Paper tearing anti-workshop